
Über Weingartenpfirsichhof

Biologische Landwirtschaft, Plantage, Garten, Landschaftsgestaltung, Kulinarik, Kunst, Literatur, Musik, Philosophie, Reisen/Organic farming, Plantation, Garden, Landscaping, Cuisine, Art, Literatur, Music, Philosophy, Travel
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2 Antworten zu Kaisergugelhupf

  1. kevinashton schreibt:

    I really like the 3 photographs of your Kaisergugelhupf you have on your blog.
    Just baked to a perfect colour to show off the almonds. With sugar and without all 3 photos are mouth-watering, do you have a recipe?
    Best Wishes

    Gefällt 1 Person

  2. Here is the recipe:
    300 gr. smooth flour
    90 gr. Bitter chocolate
    90 gr. Walnuts
    7 eggs
    3 tablespoons of rum
    300 gr. soft butter
    90 gr. dust sugar
    1 packet of vanilla sugar (8 gr.)
    1 pinch of salt
    lemon peel rubbings from ½ lemon
    210 gr. granulated sugar

    Sift flour and chop walnuts. Mix walnuts and chopped chocolate.
    Heat the oven (170 C) churning the ring cake and sprinkle with almonds. Separate eggs and yolks. Stir until creamy soft butter, dust sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, lemon peel rubbings and gradually stir in the yolk.
    Egg whites creamy beat with half of the granulated sugar and let remaining sugar trickle in and continue to beat.
    One third of beaten egg whites will be mixed with butter abrasion. Now fold flour mixture and remaining egg whites.
    Pour into the cake tin and bake it on the bottom rail for one hour.
    Let it rest for 5 minutes before falling.
    We wish you great success!


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